Effects of Household Chemicals

By |2021-05-24T12:57:32+00:00October 27, 2006|Kitchen and Bathroom|

It's a sobering fact that a large number of chemicals used in household cleaning products started out as surplus industrial chemicals left over from the war in 1945. The drive for instant cleaning solutions for busy families has increased the use of these strong chemicals in household products, but without [...]

Chemicals And Additives In Food And Ways Of Eating More Healthily

By |2021-05-24T12:57:32+00:00October 19, 2006|Kitchen and Bathroom|

The media prints more advice today about chemicals in our food than ever before. It is confusing, knowing which chemicals occur naturally, which are man-made additives, which are actually beneficial and most importantly, which are harmful and to be avoided. A comprehensive list of all the chemicals that occur in [...]

Preventing and Dealing with Fat Fires

By |2021-05-24T12:57:34+00:00August 8, 2006|Kitchen and Bathroom|

In the UK there is a domestic fire every 8 minutes. Around 20 people are killed or injured every day from fires that start in the kitchen; one fifth of these accidents will involve chip pans, or deep fat fryer fires. Cooking oil and fat fires are difficult to control [...]

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